Sunday, March 01, 2009

Obama & the “Jews of India”


Bangalore: Though Brahmins form less than 3% of India’s population, nobody, not even the Prime Minister, has the courage to criticise them because they hold the very neck of India. Imagine, they killed M.K. Gandhi like a street dog and none had the guts to question it.

If this is the power of this micro-minority “Jews of India” in this poverty-stricken country, we can imagine the power of their cousins, the Jews — who control the whole of West — in the world’s most powerful country America.

That is how Obama, who came to power giving so many promises and raising so much of hopes, is hesitating to touch the Jews who are just 2% in America and yet control its finance, media, industry and the very White House.

Did Obama betray the Blacks, the Left, Muslims? Those who held high hopes in him — America’s first Black and Muslim President — say he is a disappointment. When the zionist Israel was recklessly bombing Gaza, was he not silent?

He has appointed Jews to key positions. His Vice-President Joe Biden is “a proud war-maker and Zionist”, according to John Pilger, an Australian journalist. His economic advisers are all pro-capitalists.

Obama made all sorts of promises to please the proletariat but without pleasing the zionist lobby he could neither get the money nor the power.

This is the problem facing both India and America. It needs a super-human brain to tackle the twin problem. World peace can come only when this octopus grip is broken. Such a possibility is within our reach. Yes, we can.

When in a pauperised country like India, the Brahmins could be so powerful, is it difficult to imagine the power of Jews in the world’s most powerful country?

That is how China, all Muslim countries and above all Iran and Palestinians do not trust Obama.

It is true that DV was the first in India, if not the word, to predict Obama victory and whole-heartedly support him. But in politics 2+2 does not make four.

India’s Brahminical rulers are not happy with Obama but being great worshipers of the rising sun they have already jumped into his bandwagon.

Every person has a conscience which will certainly prick Obama. He will act. That is how he has selected the pro-zionist Hillary to tackle the zionist Israel. Diamond to cut diamond.

Once the zionists (Israel) are cut to size and Middle East becomes peaceful, even as financial crisis further deepens in America, the “Jews of India” will naturally sever connections with their cousins.

By then China would have overtaken America.

Already Pakistan has embraced China which America dare not touch because it is living under the financial mercy of China. That means the Brahminical rulers dare not touch Pakistan.

The American Jews will soon realise that the “Jews of India” are untrustworthy and also unreliable.

They will then remember DV’s two-decade old warning that Hitler created the “Holocaust” instigated and inspired by the “Jews of India”: Aryan race theory of “chosen people”. (DV Oct.16, 2003 p. 8: “Aryans sold swastika to Hitler & fooled German nazis to kill Jews”).

Kicked from both sides — China from the East, Jews from the West and the angry Bahujans from inside India — where will the “Jews of India” go?

But the Bahujans are a kind- hearted people. Unlike the Bhoodevatas they don’t believe in stabbing in the back. Bahujans know that unlike the Jews who can migrate to Israel, none is ready take the “Jews of India”.

We have already reserved one large district of Gorakhpur, on the foothills of the Himalayas, to house all the “Jews of India” in distress offering them full protection — on the condition that the Bhoodevatas do not persecute their own women.

Obama’s eight-year-old rule is expected to bring about such cataclysmic changes. Please wait and watch.

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