Sunday, February 28, 2010

Turkey is planning to establish a Presidency for the Turks living abroad

Turkish daily Sabah newspaper (09.09.09) reports that, in the framework of the Armenian initiative, the Turkish government is planning to raise the lobby activities abroad against the Armenian Diaspora.

Particularly, the State Minister responsible for the Turkish citizens living abroad, Faruk Celik, prepared a bill regarding the issue, which will be presented to the Turkish Parliament in the upcoming days. Celik proposes the establishment of a Presidency for the Turks abroad, which will offer help to the Turkish citizens living abroad to resolve their problems, as well as to carry out lobby activities and promote Turkey abroad. The Presidency will also be responsible for the negative propaganda experienced against Turkey.

According to the paper, the Presidency will consist of one president, seven department presidents and 50 experts while various desks will be opened for countries with a large number of Turkish citizens such as Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Austria, France and Luxembourg. The presidency will be responsible for determining policies, creating projects, developing policies against the (Armenian) Diaspora and organizing promotion and PR activities for Turkey.

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